Nerang Concreting Specialists

concrete slabs – Concrete Driveways – exposed aggregate concreting

Need concreting done in Nerang? Contact us today!

Nerang is a location that we are proud to serve, and it has become one of our preferred places to offer our concreting services on the Gold Coast. So if you’re looking for a reliable and reputable concrete contractor in Nerang, look no further. Our pricing is highly competitive, ensuring that you receive exceptional value for your investment.

Shaw, Wesley Taylor Concreter Gold Coast

Wesley Shaw (Owner Operator)

How much do we charge?
On average, we charge around $90 per m2 for our services. Our pricing is fair and reasonable, and we are transparent with our costs, explaining everything in detail so that our customers can be assured they are paying the right amount of money for the service they receive.
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What Do We Offer to Nerang residents?

Concrete Slabs

Concrete Slabs

Whether you’re looking to construct a small garden shed or a large outdoor entertainment area, we can help you with all your concrete slab needs. Our experienced team has the skills and expertise to deliver top-notch workmanship that meets your requirements and budget.

Exposed Aggregate Concreting

Exposed Aggregate Concreting

We have a wealth of experience in delivering exceptional exposed aggregate concrete finishes that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and long-lasting. Whether you’re looking for a contemporary or traditional finish, we have the skills and expertise to deliver a high-quality finish that will exceed your expectations.


Concrete Driveways

Concrete Driveways

We take pride in offering a wide range of concrete driveway designs and styles that can cater to all your preferences and requirements. Whether you’re looking for a traditional, modern, or custom design, our team of experts has the skills and expertise to deliver a high-quality finish that meets your expectations.

So, if you’re looking for the perfect concrete driveway for your Nerang property, look no further and just give us a call.

Remember, if you have something else in mind other than these services above, just let us know! We love a challenge and have yet to meet a concreting job that we couldn’t nail—no matter how bizarre or unique!

Got some questions that need answering?

Have a peek at what other Nerang customers have asked us in the past! If you don’t see your question here, don’t hesitate to give us a call – we’re always happy to talk!

What factors determine the cost of concreting in Nerang?

Project Size: The size of your concreting project will impact the cost. Larger projects will require more materials and labor, resulting in higher costs.

Concrete Type: Different types of concrete have varying prices, with some being more expensive than others. For instance, colored or stamped concrete is typically more expensive than regular concrete.

Project Complexity: The complexity of the project can also affect the cost. Projects that require more intricate designs, patterns, or finishing will require more time and effort, resulting in a higher cost.

Site Preparation: Preparing the site for concreting can also impact the cost. Projects that require excavation, soil stabilization, or drainage systems will require more labor and materials, resulting in higher costs.

Access to the Site: The location of your site can impact the cost. Projects that are difficult to access or require additional equipment will incur higher costs.

Labor Costs: The cost of labor can also vary based on the experience and expertise of the workers involved in the project.

How do you ensure the quality of the finished project in Nerang?

Quality 32 MPA Concrete: We use only high-quality concrete mix for our concreting projects. We source comcrete delivery from reputable suppliers to ensure that they meet our strict quality standards.

Experience: Years of experience and expertise in the field. We have the skills and knowledge to deliver a high-quality finished project that meets our clients’ expectations.

Proper Site Preparation: We ensure that the site is properly prepared before starting the concreting project. We take care to ensure that the soil is stable and that the site is free from rubbish and other obstructions.

Professional Equipment: We use professional-grade equipment and tools for our concreting projects to ensure that the finished project is of the highest quality.

Client Satisfaction: I do value our clients’ satisfaction above all else.


Here’s what we offer Nerang residents…

Concrete Slabs

Exposed Aggregate Concreting

Concrete Driveways

Shed Slabs


Swimming Pool surround concreting

Coloured Concrete

Concrete Steps

Any More..

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