Wesley Shaw

Wesley Shaw

Company Director

Business Name: Shaw, Wesley Taylor

ABN: 76 622384 230 

QBCC: 15095653

We strive to provide exceptional service when you contact our team. It’s the bedrock, or concrete slab if you will, on which our business is built, and it’s what has helped us establish ourselves as one of the go-to concreters on the Gold Coast.

After years of servicing the Gold Coast and surrounding areas, we have built a loyal customer base from Southport to Burleigh Heads, Nerang, and beyond. Our customers love our concreting craftsmanship so much that they are more than happy to recommend us to their neighbors, friends, and family.

We take pride in providing exceptional service and are always happy to be of assistance. Contact us today if you require any concreting services on the Gold Coast. At Gold Coast Concrete PRO, we are your people.

Get in Touch

Get in Touch 👉 Need a Concreting Job Done on the Gold Coast? Give me a call today to schedule your free, no-obligation quote.

We are known for our flawless work in:

Concrete Slabs

Exposed Aggregate Concreting

Concrete Pathways

Shed Slabs

House slabs

Plain concreting

Coloured concrete

Concrete Driveways

However, we are always up for a challenge and can handle any project that involves concrete.